The coronavirus in naturopathy

The fear of infection with the new coronavirus (COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, 2019-nCoV, MERS-CoV) is spreading. There are plenty of medical recommendations for prevention and protection. But what about coronavirus in naturopathic practice? Are there complementary strategies for prevention?

First of all, it is important to note that alternative practitioners are prohibited from treating illnesses with COVID-19. The ban also applies if people are suspected of being infected. Infected people are in better hands with specialists in any case. If you believe you are infected, please contact the Senate Department of Health information hotline.

At this point, I would like to share some thoughts on how complementary medicine can possibly influence the course of an infection through preventive measures.

The most important preventive measure is and remains: Hygiene. A simple face mask can prevent the spread of the virus, but cannot reliably protect against infection. The eyes should also be protected from droplet infections. The skin is also a reservoir for pathogens. It is therefore important to wash and disinfect your hands after contact with the outside world. Smartphones may be contaminated with germs. It is therefore better to keep these devices in your pocket outside the home. By touching surfaces and mucous membranes (mouth, nose), viruses can get inside (smear infection).

What makes the coronavirus so dangerous?

An infection with the new coronavirus does not necessarily have to lead to severe disease progression. Many people can be infected and only show mild symptoms. Nevertheless, infected people with mild symptoms can be very contagious. The persistence of the virus in the air and on surfaces also makes the coronavirus more dangerous than an influenza virus. The main symptoms of a coronavirus infection are a (dry) cough and fever. In children, diarrhea can already be an indication of an infection.

So far, it can be assumed that older or immunocompromised people in particular show a more severe course of the infection. But what does immunocompromised mean? Are there different forms?

The coronavirus attacks the mucous membranes (nose, mouth, throat, eyes). The immune system tries to fight the virus. If the immune system does not function optimally, the infection can become severe. For healthy children, the coronavirus is often comparable to a cold, although there are also severe courses of the disease among children. Older people, whose immune system may already have many other problems, react more severely. This is the case, for example, with joint diseases, respiratory diseases, recurring bladder infections or sinusitis. Many small, unnoticed inflammations in the body put a strain on the immune system. In the event of a new infection, this can cause the immune system to overreact.

Who is particularly at risk?

People with damaged airways also belong to a particularly vulnerable group. Smokers are particularly affected. The mucous membranes are often no longer able to react adequately to an infection. Severe cases are also likely here.

Immunosuppressed people whose immune system is deliberately weakened by medication also belong to the risk group. Z. For example, patients after organ transplants or with rheumatic diseases are given immunosuppressive medication. One drug plays a special role here: cortisone. (Cortisone is a precursor of the hormone cortisol and is contained in the medication).

Cortisol is an endogenous messenger substance that regulates inflammation in the body, among other things. The hormone cortisol is actually used to make people ready to perform in dangerous situations and to activate metabolic processes. At the moment of danger, other bodily functions are less important, including the body’s defense against infections. Medicine makes use of this effect to suppress excessive immune reactions (e.g. also in the case of allergies).

Can cortisone influence the course of a coronavirus infection?

Doctors assume that people on cortisone therapy are more at risk than healthy people. Nevertheless, lung doctors now recommend that asthma patients who previously only took inhaled cortisone when necessary should inhale it regularly – even if they are symptom-free. The aim is to reduce swelling of the mucous membranes and reduce inflammation in the airways.

It may turn out that older or immunosuppressed people can have a favorable effect on the course of the disease with mild cortisone therapy, as the immune system no longer overreacts so strongly to an infection. Future studies will provide more clarity in this regard.

What can you do to strengthen your immune system?

In naturopathy, there are a number of ways to prepare the body for an infection and possibly influence the course of the disease. influence an impending course of the disease.

In naturopathy, there are a number of ways to prepare the body for an infection and possibly influence the course of the disease. influence an impending course of the disease.

  1. Reduce inflammation in the body

    Traditional Chinese medicine – especially herbal medicine and acupuncture – can support you in influencing inflammatory processes. Depending on the cause, psoriasis, osteoarthritis or chronic bronchitis, for example, can be treated(*).

  2. Acupuncture or cupping

    Acupuncture or cupping can be used to regulate cortisol production in the body(*). Special osteopathic techniques can also influence hormone production(*).

  3. Stop smoking

    Nicotine cessation can be supported by acupuncture and hypnotherapy.

  4. Traditional European medicine

    Traditional European medicine also offers many ways to improve well-being and strengthen the immune system. From Hildegard von Bingen to Sebastian Kneipp. Traditional Western medicine offers a huge wealth of experience for health and well-being.

  5. Reduce stress

    Constant stress has a negative impact on the immune system. A permanent fear of infection is also stress for the body. Fear of the future and the constant consumption of “bad news” do the rest to put the body on permanent alert. In my practice, I have had good experience of treating stress with acupuncture and hypnosis.

  6. Optimize nutrition

    Nutritional advice can optimize eating habits. Z. For example, foods that promote inflammatory processes should be removed from the menu and anti-inflammatory foods should be promoted. The acid-base balance can also be positively influenced by the diet.

  7. Sport

    Targeted sport in the sense of prehabilitation is helpful to get the cardiovascular system going, ventilate the airways, improve the circulation of blood and lymph and strengthen muscles and the fascial system. Extreme competitive sports and particularly challenging workouts should be avoided, however.

  8. healthy sleep

    A good night’s sleep is essential. The time saved by closing workplaces and canceling events can be invested in healthy sleep. Naturopathy can help to develop healthy sleep hygiene.

What else is there to do?

Naturopathy can also contribute a great deal to regeneration after an illness has been overcome. The most important thing after a serious infection is targeted mobilization through rehabilitation sport. Individually adapted training is particularly effective. A gentle, high-energy recovery diet can also help you to get back on your feet quickly.

Feel free to leave your question or opinion in the comments. Contact me if you have specific questions about complementary, preventive measures.

(*) Note

The therapeutic methods described here are naturopathic methods that are not or only partially recognized by conventional medicine. They belong to the therapeutic methods of alternative medicine and can complement other therapeutic methods.

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