
People who are often tired and exhausted are quickly pigeonholed in their social environment and by doctors. They are accused of being depressed, working too much or eating too unhealthily; or even worse, they are just imagining things and should pull themselves together.

Things were supposedly different in the past. People went about their duties – work, children, caring for the home and relatives. There was no time for complaining.

Was that really the case? Is regular exhaustion really a disease of modern times?

Is regular exhaustion even an illness?

The decisive factor is the level of suffering experienced by people who often or daily feel (sometimes severely) restricted in their everyday lives by fatigue or a feeling of exhaustion.

However, if exhaustion cannot be remedied by a change in lifestyle (less work, optimal sport, optimal regeneration and relaxation), it can be assumed to have disease value.

In medicine, the term chronic fatigue syndrome is used. Other names are chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) or (benign) myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME).

Chronic fatigue syndrome is often a symptom of an illness. However, it is disputed that CFS is a disease in its own right, as there does not appear to be a uniform clinical picture.


For a diagnosis, extensive exclusion diagnostics are required in order to be able to recognize other illnesses that are associated with fatigue, easy exhaustion, sleep disorders and possibly also pain or neurological dysfunctions.

A diagnosis should aim to find an answer as to why a person is disproportionately exhausted. Only then is targeted treatment possible!

The most important thing at the beginning of the examination is a very comprehensive medical history. The aim is to find out what previous history or histories may have led to the symptoms. Even long-ago events can be of significance in individual cases. Of particular interest are factors such as lifestyle, family, work and living conditions, diet, medication, sleep hygiene, travel and sport. Infectious diseases also play a role in the development of chronic fatigue syndrome, particularly in connection with a long Covid or post-Covid illness.

Various accompanying symptoms and, if necessary, a special blood test can provide initial indications in many cases.

A physical examination checks the function of the nervous system, individual muscles and fasciae as well as the spine. The function of certain organs is also taken into account. These primarily include the heart and lungs, but also the liver, kidneys, intestines and hormone-regulating organs (e.g. thyroid gland, adrenal glands).

Osteopathic tests can also localize abnormal tissue structures.

In my practice I also evaluate the energetic picture according to the teachings of Traditional Chinese Medicine – especially the 5 element teachings.

Comprehensive herd diagnostics (interference field diagnosis) is also possible in my practice.

The diagnostic scheme also includes psychological factors and traumatic experiences.

A laboratory blood test can easily detect a lack of certain blood cells (anemia), for example. Latent inflammatory processes can also usually be detected in the blood. A more specialized laboratory test includes, for example, the composition of micronutrients or the quality of various metabolic processes. In some cases, intestinal biology can also be the focus of the diagnosis.

In connection with unclear pain, signs of fibromyalgia syndrome can be looked for.

The increased occurrence of fatigue syndrome after a corona infection is a current issue. Long Covid is a post-infectious disease.


After completing the examinations, I make a preliminary diagnosis. Chronic fatigue syndrome has many faces. They are not always clearly recognizable and it can also happen that it is not possible to find a cause with the means available.

It may often be necessary to have further treatment carried out by specialists, e.g. if a focus is suspected in a tooth or a latent allergy is likely.

In my experience, osteopathic techniques and traditional Chinese medicine, especially acupuncture and herbal medicine, can often have a positive influence on the course of recovery. I also use medical hypnosis techniques in some cases.

Home visits possible

Do you find it difficult to come to my practice? I also offer home visits in special cases.

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