Acupuncture / TCM

Acupuncture (pricking with needles) is a holistic naturopathic therapy method that has its origins in traditional Chinese medicine. It has been practiced for several thousand years.

Acupuncture is the best-known treatment technique in traditional Chinese medicine in this country. As a rule, fine, sterile needles are inserted into the skin at specific points. These points are located on defined pathways (meridians), each of which is assigned to a specific functional circuit (organ system).

The acupuncture needles are inserted a few millimetres into the skin and subcutaneous tissue.
A slight pain stimulus or other stimulus perception is desirable.

There are several schools or systems of acupuncture. What almost all of them have in common is that they are based on the concept of meridians. The five element theory (5 phases of change) is an essential concept of classical acupuncture about the interaction of organs, functional circuits and meridians. I also work with the systems of the tendino-muscular pathways, the Luo system and chrono-acupuncture, which are based on the aforementioned teachings. The system of ancient points is historically much older than the “modern” meridian theory, which is “only” 4000 years old.

Master Tsung’s acupuncture system is not actually part of traditional Chinese medicine. He developed and practiced a complementary system in China in the last century that has proved successful for many users of his teachings.

In addition to needles, the points can also be activated by targeted heating (moxibustion) or special plasters.

In addition to acupuncture, traditional Chinese medicine also includes special dietetics, the use of herbs, shiatsu and qi gong.

Acupuncture can only help through precise knowledge of the causes! In addition to modern anamnesis and diagnostic techniques, I also practise traditional Chinese diagnostic methods such as tongue diagnostics, pulse diagnostics and ear diagnostics.

In my practice, I often use acupuncture for patients with regular pain. I also use traditional Chinese medicine methods for relaxation or vitalization (stress management), for psychosomatic complaints or for immune stimulation. Acupuncture can be used for both chronic and acute complaints. It can also be combined well with other forms of therapy such as osteopathy or medical hypnosis.

I have special training in acupuncture for pain and in gynecology.

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