Forum Corona and Sport

The German Disabled Sports Association(DBS) and the German Social Accident Insurance(DGUV) are organizing the “Corona and Sport” forum on 9 September 2022.

On this day, findings and experiences about the after-effects of a corona infection in the context of sport will be presented.

Lectures, workshops and a panel discussion will be held on the topic of long-COVID and post-COVID. Experts from the fields of science, medicine and politics will bring together the current state of knowledge on the insidious consequences of corona infection. The event will be rounded off with practical experience reports.

I will be contributing my experiences from rehabilitation sport with a workshop. It will address the questions of how organized (rehabilitation) sport deals with people suffering from post-COVID. What can clubs offer these people and what should exercise instructors and club managers pay particular attention to?

Further information can be found on the website of the German Olympic Sports Confederation (DOSB). You can register with the German Disabled Sports Association – National Paralympic Committee Germany.

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