Dossier / About me

The science of cybernetics deals with the control and regulation of machines, living organisms and social organizations and is also described as “the art of control”.

My interest in cybernetics was awakened in my youth. Initially, I was interested in the technical aspect of cybernetics, particularly in the field of computer science and control engineering. I was also interested in the fields of systems theory and behavioral biology (especially horses and dogs).

According to biocybernetics, the human body is a self-regulating system. However, this autoregulation can be disturbed, e.g. by injuries, illnesses or other influences. In complementary medicine, the “art of control” refers to the targeted activation of self-healing powers so that the person’s autoregulation functions again.

Osteopathy and acupuncture are excellent treatment techniques for controlling autoregulation.

From my own experience, I have learned that sport and exercise support autoregulation very well.

I had my first sporting ambitions 25 years ago. I was particularly inspired by the triathlon. However, I also learned that the wrong training can quickly sap your motivation.

I have been practicing the classic Pilates method – as developed by Josef Pilates in the last century – as well as running for 15 years. I see running as the original form of functional movement. For me, finding the natural functionality of the human body through running is an exciting journey through the complex biomechanics of the human body and, in this context, to the roots of human development.

I have regularly taken part in competitions for the “Vegan Runners” for 10 years. In addition to running, I trained for several years for stair running competitions and took part in international tower running events.


  • Heilpraktiker training at the Heilpraktikerschule Dr. Heupel in Berlin
  • Osteopathy (training at the Institute für angewandte Osteopathy)
  • Classical acupuncture/TCM according to various schools.
  • Medical hypnosis (training at various institutes: Thermedius, Milton Erickson Institute and others)
  • Blood plasma therapy (PRP, Plattet Ritch Plasma) for the musculoskeletal system
  • Rehabilitation sports and sports therapy (trainer license from the German Olympic Sports Confederation, licensed specialist trainer for rehabilitation sports)
  • Mental coach/mental trainer in sport, certified by the Landessportbund Berlin
  • Redcord Active Advanced – Sling therapist/trainer
  • Specialist trainer for the “Lübecker Modell Bewegungswelten” (Lübeck Model Movement Worlds), certified by the Lübeck Geriatrics Research Group
  • Medical massages and other manual techniques
  • Kinesiology taping
  • Cupping and other draining procedures
  • Neural therapy for pain

Projects & PR

Guido Paul Zörner at the Corona and Sport 2022 workshop

Teaching activity


I support the Vegan Runners Berlin with my know-how in holistic sports medicine.

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